There are times in our life when we stop to think about where we would be if we had of made a different decision or taken the road less traveled, as Robert Frost wrote. Many people look back and say, “I wish I had of done that differently, handled that another way, or zigged when others zagged.” Looking back doesn’t help you today. Events in the past should remain there. More important than where you are now, is where you will be in the future. In order to reach the place you want to be in life, you should focus on positive aspects daily. If you think positively, then positive things will happen. If you do a little more today than you absolutely need to, then you are one step ahead of tomorrow. When you stop wasting time thinking about what you should’ve, could’ve, would’ve done, then you are on the right track. There are things that I wish I did last week, last month and even last year that never got done. But today, the reality is that I am working for a great company that revolves around positive change in the world. Believing in TamPogo means we will save money and we will learn about products that can change our health, our sense of style or even our outlook on life. Most importantly, we will help those in need. The children suffering from malnutrition and outright starvation did not ask us for our help. We chose to help and by making that right choice, those children are happier and healthier. And that is something we all should feel really good about it. At the end of July, two of our co-founders, Jeff Conrady and Dave Zinn will be traveling to visit the children in Nicaragua. They will record video for us all to see. As a result, we will have a clearer vision as to why being part of TamPogo is the best decision one could ever make. Sitting here, almost in mid July, I think about the path that I chose that led us all together as one. A great thing about TamPogo is that you receive money that can be used to support your family. TamPogo is real. TamPogo is easy. TamPogo can be a lot of fun! And TamPogo has a program for everyone. If you simply want to feed a child and have one stream of income from TamPogo, then buy a Fast Track product, or items accumulating $10 in volume. If you want to get involved in any of the bonus programs, then visit the Bonuses section tab on the homepage of TamPogo and see which bonus fits you best. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. If you think you can’t succeed then you might as well go home, because you will fail, and that isn’t very helpful to the children we have to feed.
You have a choice to make the right decision. Here. Now. Today. If you are unhappy with your past, don’t let your past dictate your future. Allow your decision today to increase the abundance of your future. Remember your attitude will always determine your altitude.
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