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Posted at 01:11 PM in Foundational Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 09:49 AM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:49 PM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:48 PM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:47 PM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hi Team:
Ok folks. Here is the mission this week. We need 20-40 (a more detailed number to be announced) Pure Chemistry gift bags for Variety’s Power of Comedy Charity Event being held at the Nokia Theater on December 4th. The gift bags are for the top celebrities in attendance. The “A list VIP” event will be attended by various Hollywood celebrities, studio executives and advertising exectives.
This marks the beginning of an extensive star branded strategy that Pure Chemistry has embarked on. We will provide everyone at TamPogo a link to our new joint venture streaming video partner so that everyone can watch this great cancer charity event live and free (of course) from their computers.
Pure Chemistry will also be attending, as a large sponsor, two huge New Year’s Eve parties, one in Times Square and the other in Las Vegas. We expect to do 20 or more premier events over the next six months and you will see Pure Chemistry products appearing as product placements first on TV and then in movies. We will also be announcing a wide array of celebrity partners that are using and endorsing Pure Chemistry products and plan to put some of these individuals on calls to talk with you directly. There will also be videos available from these celebrities for everyone at TamPogo to help market Pure Chemistry products. Some of that video will be shot at events like the Power of Comedy so its coming soon.
Sadie and her staff must create these bags in the next week and any suggestions are welcome. We will discuss this on our Monday call which will be held at 1:00 PM. We will also have a Wednesday call this week at 1:00 PM. You are about to learn about and experience a true paradigm shift on the Internet. And this time you will have a front row seat and be able to actually be one of the first to benefit financially from the change. I don’t need to remind you how well those first in line eat and the size of the Internet table!! Maybe you believe that something great really can’t happen for you. That you can’t really be part of something so special on the Internet that it will be talked about, written about and memorialized in history. Well maybe you can’t. I will tell you though that Team TamPogo and Pure Chemistry WILL BE there. Whether you personally are part of this or not – well that is totally up to you. If you are looking for “tips” then I would suggest that you are part of one or both of the Tango Programs and that you qualify for the Cacao Wow Stimulus this month. You don’t need to be part of the President’s Circle because if you are you are going to benefit incredibly as a result of everything to be announced. Pure Chemistry will be the central personal care brand in a new “rich media” Internet and Brick and Mortar based marketing campaign from our Joint Venture Partner, the likes of which has never been seen before. I am looking for my core team for 2011. Seven of you have stepped up so far by virtue of the recruiting effort you put forth so far this month for the Cacao Wow Stimulus. I am literally shocked not to see some of the names I would have expected. Some of the real pioneers here. You know who you are and you are an integral part of our team. Being a pioneer means getting the arrows in the back but successful pioneers are the one that pull the arrows out and move forward colonizing new ground.
Let’s get busy team and make the last nine days of the month super special.
Posted at 08:41 PM in Foundational Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:59 PM in Foundational Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 10:26 AM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)
Good Afternoon:
Hey team. Tomorrow I wanted to talk about the packaging on Bob K’s suggested day and night caps. Here is the issue needing to be solved.
The most GABA that will go into a cap reasonably speaking is 665 grams so you need three caps for one dose.
The Cacao Wow as formulated will not fit into one cap. One dose would have to be 2 caps. Or 2 doses in three caps. Or we could play with the formula there making it stronger in some things and weaker in others calling it Cacao Wow Expresso.
Lots of options. Also, as far as packaging goes for a smaller size of either…we need to discuss that.
Get some thoughts together for the call tomorrow. Thank you.
Posted at 09:17 PM in Foundational Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:52 PM in Foundational Marketing | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 09:15 AM in Healthy Life Solutions | Permalink | Comments (0)